I'm trying to download some Python .whl
files, but I'm not sure what version I should be downloading.
I have a windows machine with an Intel chip, but all the versions I see use amd64
, does that mean the versions are for AMD chips only?
You can download the amd64
version of the file.
AMD64 is the standard name given to the 64-bit x86 architecture, which your Intel chip probably uses. You can read more about x86-64 here.
Intel wanted to leave the x86 architecture behind and adopt a new architecture that would not be backwards-compatible with pre-existing 32-bit x86 architectures, and in doing so cut AMD out of the market. To counter this, AMD redeveloped the x86 architecture and presented it as an evolutionary approach for moving to 64-bit chipsets that supported legacy 32-bit code.
Because of this support, AMD's architecture prevailed and Intel was forced to adopt their design. AMD developed the architecture, which is why Python .whl
files use amd64
to represent architectures based on x86-64