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Random dont chose 8 character words

I used random module in my ptoject. Im not a programmer, but i need to do a script which will create a randomized database from another database. In my case, I need the script to select random words lined up in a column from the "wordlist.txt" file, and then also absolutely randomly line them up in a line of 12 words, write them to another file (for example, "result1.txt") and switch to a new line, and so many times, ad infinitum. Everything seems to be working, but I noticed that it adds absolutely all words, except for words consisting of 8 letters. And also i want to increase the perfomance of this code.


import random

# Initial wordlists
fours = []
fives = []
sixes = []
sevens = []
eights = []

# Fill above lists with corresponding word lengths from wordlist
with open('wordlist.txt') as wordlist:
    for line in wordlist:
        if len(line) == 4:
        elif len(line) == 5:
        elif len(line) == 6:
        elif len(line) == 7:
        elif len(line) == 8:

# Create new lists and fill with number of items in fours
fivesLess = []
sixesLess = []
sevensLess = []
eightsLess = []

fivesCounter = 0
while fivesCounter < len(fours):
    randFive = random.choice(fives)
    if randFive not in fivesLess:
        fivesCounter += 1

sixesCounter = 0
while sixesCounter < len(fours):
    randSix = random.choice(sixes)
    if randSix not in sixesLess:
        sixesCounter += 1

sevensCounter = 0
while sevensCounter < len(fours):
    randSeven = random.choice(sevens)
    if randSeven not in sevensLess:
        sevensCounter += 1

eightsCounter = 0
while eightsCounter < len(fours):
    randEight = random.choice(eights)
    if randEight not in eightsLess:
        eightsCounter += 1

choices = [eights]

# Generate n number of seeds and print
seedCounter = 0
while seedCounter < 1:
    seed = []
    while len(seed) < 12:
        wordLengthChoice = random.choice(choices)
        wordChoice = random.choice(wordLengthChoice)
    seedCounter += 0
    with open("result1.txt", "a") as f:
        f.write(' '.join(seed))


  • If I'm understanding you correctly, something like

    import random
    from collections import defaultdict
    words_by_length = defaultdict(list)
    def generate_line(*, n_words, word_length):
        return ' '.join(random.choice(words_by_length[word_length]) for _ in range(n_words))
    with open('wordlist.txt') as wordlist:
        for line in wordlist:
            line = line.strip()
    for x in range(10):
        print(generate_line(n_words=12, word_length=8))

    should be enough – you can just use a single dict-of-lists to contain all of the words, no need for separate variables. (Also, I suspect your original bug stemmed from not strip()ing the line before looking at its length.)

    If you need a single line to never repeat a word, you'll want

    def generate_line(*, n_words, word_length):
        return ' '.join(random.sample(words_by_length[word_length], n_words))
