I have the following code replacing every element with it's short form in the lookup:
case = ["MY_FIRST_RODEO"]
lookup = {'MY': 'M', 'FIRST': 'FRST', 'RODEO' : 'RD', 'FIRST_RODEO': 'FRD', 'MY_FIRST': 'MF', 'MY_FIRST_RODEO': 'MFR'}
case_mod = []
for string in case:
words = string.split("_")
new_string = [lookup[word] for word in words]
This returns:
However, I want it to additionally return all possibilities since in the lookup, I have short words for all MY_FIRST, FIRST_RODEO, and MY_FIRST_RODEO. So, I want the following returned:
['M_FRST_RD', 'MF_RD', 'M_FRD', 'MFR']
I was able to write code to break the original list into all possibilities as follows:
case = ["MY_FIRST_RODEO"]
result = []
for string in case:
words = string.split("_")
n = len(words)
for i in range(n):
result.append("_".join(words[:i + 1]))
for j in range(i + 1, n):
result.append("_".join(words[i:j + 1]))
result = list(dict.fromkeys(result))
to return:
But somehow can't make the connection between the two solutions. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
One thing you could try is the following:
from itertools import combinations
string = "MY_FIRST_RODEO"
lookup = {'MY': 'M', 'FIRST': 'FRST', 'RODEO' : 'RD', 'FIRST_RODEO': 'FRD', 'MY_FIRST': 'MF', 'MY_FIRST_RODEO': 'MFR'}
underscores = [i for i, c in enumerate(string) if c == "_"]
length = len(string)
results = []
for r in range(len(underscores), -1, -1):
for parts in combinations(underscores, r):
limits = ((a + 1, b) for a, b in zip((-1,) + parts, parts + (length,)))
results.append("_".join(lookup[string[a:b]] for a, b in limits))
First record the indices of string
with an underscore and then use them with combinations
(from the standard library module itertools
) to choose all the different partitions of string
along the underscores. (I've left out the outer loop over case
since that is not needed to show the proposed mechanic.)
Result here:
['M_FRST_RD', 'M_FRD', 'MF_RD', 'MFR']