How can I add dynamic route from database, using model activeRecord :
I try : (using Rails 5)
Rails.application.routes.draw do
router = self
Var.find_by(name: 'pages').value.split(',').each do |page|
router.get "/#{page}", to: 'application#page', as: page
but I have an error when I try start rails server :
`rescue in mysql2_connection': Unknown database 'dale' (ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError)
You can move the code that access the db to initialize block.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
router = self
Rails.application.config.after_initialize do
Var.find_by(name: 'pages').value.split(',').each do |page|
router.get "/#{page}", to: 'application#page', as: page
There is no guarantee that your initializers will run after all the gem initializers, so any initialization code that depends on a given gem having been initialized should go into a config.after_initialize block.
Rails has 5 initialization events which can be hooked into (listed in the order that they are run): Further details in Rails documentation initialization events