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The current price of the futures on the Binance exchange (in real time) in Python

This is my assignment:

You need to write a Python code that will read the current price of the XRP/USDT futures on the Binance exchange in real time (as fast as possible). If the price falls by 1% from the maximum price in the last hour, the program should print a message to the console, and the program should continue to work, constantly reading the current price.

I learned how to receive data, but how can I go further?

import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
import datetime

base = ''
path = '/fapi/v1/klines'
url = base + path
param = {'symbol': 'XRPUSDT', 'interval': '1h', 'limit': 10}
r = requests.get(url, params = param)
if r.status_code == 200:
  data = pd.DataFrame(r.json())


  • You can try this, I've defined a function for price check and the rest is the main operation

    def price_check(df):
        max_value = max(df['Price'])  #max price within 1 hour
        min_value = min(df['Price'])  #min price within 1 hour
        if min_value/max_value < 0.99:  #1% threshold
    while True: # you can adjust the check frequency by sleep() function
        response = requests.get(url)
        if response.status_code==200:
            data = pd.Dataframe(response.json())