Im currently trying to build a Fluent Interface for a ServiceLocator. To ensure that each the developer can easily setup 1-to-n mappings
I'd like something like this
ServiceLocator.Instance.For<IFoo>(Use<Foo>(), Use<FooBar>());
Singleton is workin fine... the methodsignature for the For method looks like this
public void For<TInterface>(params type[] services)
// ...
So I was looking for something like a global method
C# has some global methods, all methods which are defined on System.Object. But when I create a new generic ExtensionMethod on System.Object, the method will not be visible.
public static class MyExtensions
public static void Use<T>(this Object instance)
// ..
MethodChaining would be the alternative, but this approach looks sexy :D
Has anyone an idea?
Well, actually when I create an extension method for Object
, it is visible. As in,
public static class Extensions
public static void doStuff<T>(this T myObject)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 5;
string b = "aaa";
List<int> c = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 10 };
Did I misunderstand your question?