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Update vertx Json config file during http request

I have VertX application with a config.json file. I want to edit one of the properties in the file during an HTTP request.

Is it possible?

Json Config:

    "dataFilter": [
        "name": "xxx",
        "values": [1, 2, 3] -> want to edit this specific field!
        "name": "yyy",
        "values": [4, 5, 6]

Start method:

public void start(Promise<Void> startPromise) {
            //Some other Futures ,
                    .flatMap(config -> storeData(config)
                            .compose(maybeStoreData -> CompositeFuture.all(
                                    http(sharedData, maybeStoreData).apply(config)

Router code:


Action request:

private Handler<RoutingContext> performAction(JsonObject config) {
    return routingContext -> Try.of(() -> Json.decodeValue(routingContext.getBody(), RequestDto.class))
            .onFailure(ex -> log.warn("Failed to process the RequestDto: ", ex))
            .andThen(requestDto -> ???UPDATE CONFIG FILE according to requestDto ???)
            .onFailure(ex -> log.warn("Failed to save request: ", ex))
            .onFailure(ex -> routingContext.response().setStatusCode(HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.code()))
            .onSuccess(handler -> routingContext.response().setStatusCode(HttpResponseStatus.OK.code()));


  • Given that you have your JsonObject already, you can write it to disk using fileSystem().writeFile().

    Here's a full example:

    Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
    var json = new JsonObject("{\n" +
            "  \"REQUEST_OPTIONS\": {\n" +
            "    \"dataFilter\": [\n" +
            "      {\n" +
            "        \"name\": \"xxx\",\n" +
            "        \"values\": [1, 2, 3]" +
            "      },\n" +
            "      {\n" +
            "        \"name\": \"yyy\",\n" +
            "        \"values\": [4, 5, 6]\n" +
            "      }\n" +
            "    ]\n" +
            "  }\n" +
        // Accessing the dataFilter array
        // Getting the first element of dataFilter array
        // Accessing the values array
    vertx.fileSystem().writeFile("./new.json", json.toBuffer());