unfortunately I have a little problem with a CSS class I implemented on my website. The menu on the page is displayed by the CSS code. Unfortunately I can't manage to disable scrolling while the menu is open. I already tried using "position: fixed !important;" and "overflow". Somehow, it did not work.
Here is the CSS code:
/*********| FULLSCREEN MENU CSS |*********/
/* Move the hamburger to the right of the header */
.de-burger-menu .et_pb_menu__wrap {
justify-content: flex-end !important;
/* Hide the desktop menu */
.de-burger-menu .et_pb_menu__wrap .et_pb_menu__menu {
display: none !important;
/* Force the mobile version of the menu */
.de-burger-menu .et_pb_menu__wrap .et_mobile_nav_menu {
display: block !important;
align-items: center !important;
/* Fullscreen Menu Style when Opened*/
.de-burger-menu .opened #mobile_menu1 {
width: 100vw !important; /* Make it span the full width of the viewport */
position: fixed !important;
top: 0em !important;
left: 0vw !important;
height: 100vh !important; /* Make it span the full height of the viewport */
display: flex !important;
justify-content: center !important;
flex-direction: column !important;
transition: visibility 0.3s, opacity 0.3s ease-in-out; /* Animate the menu to fade in */
padding: 0 !important;
background-color: #ffffff!important; /* Fullscreen menu background color */
/* Show fullscreen menu */
.de-burger-menu .opened #mobile_menu1 {
opacity: 1 !important; /* Make it visible by setting opacity to 1 */
visibility: visible !important; /* Show the menu */
/* Hide and fade out the Menu when closed */
.de-burger-menu .closed #mobile_menu1 {
opacity: 0 !important; /* Make it invisible by setting opacity to 0 */
visibility: hidden !important; /* Hide the menu */
transition: visibility 0.3s, opacity 0.3s, left 1s, ease-in-out !important; /* Animate the menu to fade out */
/* Remove Bullets next to LI Elements */
.de-burger-menu #mobile_menu1 li {
list-style: none !important;
text-align: center !important;
width: 100%
/* Make sure that the menu is above other elements */
.de-burger-menu .et_pb_menu__wrap span.mobile_menu_bar {
z-index: 999999 !important;
/* Set the close icon for when the menu is open */
.de-burger-menu .et_pb_menu__wrap .opened .mobile_menu_bar:before {
color: #562f2f !important; /* Icon color */
content: "\4d" !important; /* Divi font icon to use for the close icon */
left: -40px; /* Close icon position. You might need to play with this to make it look right */
/* Keep hamburger icon in fixed position on mobile */
.de-burger-menu .opened .mobile_menu_bar {
position: fixed !important;
/* Remove mobile menu border */
.de-burger-menu .et_mobile_menu {
border-top: none;
/* Make sure the menu items do not show a background */
.de-burger-menu .et_mobile_menu .menu-item-has-children>a {
background-color: transparent;
/* Remove the hover background from the menu items and add hover animation */
.et_mobile_menu li a:hover {
background-color: transparent;
opacity: 1;
transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out !important; /* Animated the menu item when hovered */
transform: scale(1.15); /* Enlarge the hovered menu item by 15% when hovered */
/* Remove menu item bottom borders */
.de-burger-menu .et_mobile_menu li a {
border-bottom: none;
The website is: https://aureus-frankfurt.de/
I hope someone knows a solution.
Kind regards
Hi Welcome to the community:
You can target the mobile opened
class with :has and make the body overflow:hidden
body:has(.mobile_nav.opened) {
overflow: hidden