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How to do performance testing of a lambda which is triggered by event bridge?

I have a lambda that is triggered whenever an event is dropped in the eventbus to which my lambda is connected and is triggered automatically. How can I performance test it to test how it performs of 500 events are dropped at a time?

Also I know aws has some inbuilt metrics like lambda execution time, xray tracing etc. Can anyone let me know how to use them for my use case?


  • If by "eventbus" you mean AWS EventBus which is a part of Amazon EventBrigde my expectation is that the easiest would be using PutEvents API endpoint, you can come up with a JSON payload having 500 events or make 500 separate calls with 1 event or any combination you can think of.

    Be aware that the AWS API requests need to be signed to the load testing tool you choose must have the possibility to calculate this signature. A guide for Apache JMeter: How to Handle Dynamic AWS SigV4 in JMeter

    With regards to metrics - check out AWS CloudWatch