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Multiple "More" buttons on iPad simulator. How do I narrow it down which one to click (either one)?

I am trying to tap the More button in a XCUITest:

XCUIElement* moreKey =[@"more"];
[moreKey tap];

and on iPhone simulator it works fine, but on iPad simulator it crashes when I try to tap it:

Failed to Error Code=10006 
"Multiple matching elements found for <XCUIElementQuery: 0x600000c51c20>

The issue is that it finds multiple instances of the "More" button on iPad (which, unlike iPhone, it has two of):

    ↪︎Find: Elements matching predicate '"more" IN identifiers'
      Output: {
        Key, 0x15e670f80, {{0.0, 1049.0}, {132.0, 60.0}}, identifier: 'more', label: 'numbers'
        Key, 0x15e678570, {{546.0, 1049.0}, {98.5, 60.0}}, identifier: 'more', label: 'numbers'

So, it doesn't seem to know which one to click.

I found similar questions, but for custom buttons, where solution was to make their identifier unique. That's not applicable for Apple's own "More" key, the identifier of which I do not control.

How do I fix it? Can I apply elementBoundByIndex: here somehow?


  • XCUIElement* moreKey = [[@"more"] firstMatch] does the trick.