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Self hosted GitHub Action Runner jobs failing

We make use of Github Self-Hosted action runners running on EC2 machines (m5.xlarge). We use these as part of our CI/CD pipeline to support docker image builds and automated testing. This solution has worked fine for the last year or so, but all of a sudden yesterday, the builds started to fail with the following error message :

time="2023-02-03T12:00:13Z" level=error msg="error waiting for container: unexpected EOF"

My understanding of this is that it is typically due to docker containers running out of resources (CPU / Memory Limit) being hit but given that these are m5.xlarges (4 vCPU and 16GB Memory) I'm a little surprised. Our builds make use of NPM which I understand can be quite resource hungry but monitoring a container during its execution showed that it was nowhere near the limits of the node:


I've tried to cycle the nodes but there is no difference in behaviour. The following user-data script is used with these nodes which connects it to our Github account and makes it available for jobs. I've also tried using the latest actions-runneer package, but again, no change in behaviour. What other reasons could this error be thrown for as i'm a bit stumped by this.

set -e

curl | bash
apt install -y python3-pip jq
pip3 install awscli

mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner
curl -O -L
tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-x64-2.286.0.tar.gz
chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu .

instance_id="$(curl -s"

token=$(curl -s -u "<REMOVED>:<REMOVED>" -X POST "$url" | jq -r .token)

sudo -u ubuntu ./ \
  --name "products-stage-ec2-runner-$instance_id" \
  --token "$token" \
  --url "<REMOVED>" \
  --labels "<REMOVED>" \

sudo ./ install
sudo ./ start


  • See details on my comment of how I resolved this.