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How to Split Google Slide Deck and Save Single Slides with Filename and into Specific Folder

I have a slide deck where each slide needs to be converted into individual slides. I found this script for splitting a deck into single slides and saving them (This code was provided by @Tanaike here):

function myFunction() {
  const presentationId = "###"; // Please set the Slides ID.

  SlidesApp.openById(presentationId).getSlides().forEach((s, i) => {
    const newSlide = SlidesApp.create(`page${i + 1}`);

The script names the slides 1, 2, 3, etc. and saves them into My Drive. I'd like to be able to name each slide based on names listed in a spreadsheet range (e.g. Slide 1 = "Introduction", Slide 2 = "Agenda") and save all of the slides into a specified Google Folder ID.


  • You can try with the following, it worked for me.

    function myFunction() {
      const presentationId = "slidesID"; // Please set the Slides ID.
      var slides = SpreadsheetApp.openById("sheetID").getRange("Sample!A1:A3").getValues(); //Specify the sheet ID and the range where you have the names for each slide
      SlidesApp.openById(presentationId).getSlides().forEach((s, i) => {
        const newSlide = SlidesApp.create(slides[i]);
        var fileID = newSlide.getId();
        var folderID = DriveApp.getFolderById("folderID"); //Specify the folder ID where you want to move the new slides