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Convert datetime and timedelta from Python to IDL

Please does anyone know how to convert the following python script to IDL,

hours = list(Timed)
start_date = datetime(year=1800, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
days =[] 
Months =[]
Years =[]   
for hour in hours:
    date = start_date + timedelta(hours=hour)

The script converts the data below to day, month, and year starting from 1800:00:00.0

Timed = [1.52887e+06,1.52959e+06,1.53034e+06,1.53108e+06,1.5318e+06,1.53254e+06,1.53326e+06,1.53401e+06,1.53475e+06,1.53542e+06,1.53617e+06,1.53689e+06,1.53763e+06]

I want to rewrite the Python script in IDL.


  • I suggest using CALDAT and JULDAY. You need to convert Timed to days.

    IDL> start_date = julday(1, 1, 1800, 0, 0, 0)
    IDL> Timed = [1.52887e+06,1.52959e+06,1.53034e+06,1.53108e+06,1.5318e+06,1.53254e+06,1.53326e+06,1.53401e+06,1.53475e+06,1.53542e+06,1.53617e+06,1.53689e+06,1.53763e+06]
    IDL> caldat, start_date + (Timed / 24), month, day, year  ; convert Timed to days and add to start_date
    IDL> year                                               
            1974        1974        1974        1974        1974        1974        1974        1975        1975        1975        1975
            1975        1975
    IDL> month
               5           6           8           9          10          10          11           1           1           2           4
               5           5
    IDL> day
              31          30           1           1           1          31          30           1          31          28           1
               1          31