I implemented NextAuth in my NextJS 13 app, but when I reload the page, and session hasn't been fetched yet, the data returns as undefined
first and then after a few attempts the actual data(session) is getting returned. As result, I see the glitch on UI: Not signed in/ Signed in as ...
export default function RootLayout({ children, session }) {
return (
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<SessionProvider session={session}>
<Header />
Auth page:
import { useSession, signIn, signOut } from "next-auth/react"
export default function Component() {
const { data: session } = useSession()
if(session) {
return <>
Signed in as {session.user.email} <br/>
<button onClick={() => signOut()}>Sign out</button>
return <>
Not signed in <br/>
<button onClick={() => signIn()}>Sign in</button>
As data is not avaialble, session will be undefined
. so you need to use the status and see whether data is fetched or not. useSession()
hook returns the status for you.
If you want to have a seamless experience in a client-side implementation. you can do as below.
import { useSession, signIn, signOut } from "next-auth/react"
export default function Component() {
const { data: session, status } = useSession()
// Note: This is not mandatory. Use only if you want to show some kind of loading until you get the data
if (status === "loading") {
return <p>Loading...</p>
if (status === "unauthenticated") {
return <>
Not signed in <br/>
<button onClick={() => signIn()}>Sign in</button>
return <>
Signed in as {session.user.email} <br/>
<button onClick={() => signOut()}>Sign out</button>
if you need to implement this on the server-side, the approach will be this.
import { getServerSession } from "next-auth/next"
import { useSession, signIn, signOut } from "next-auth/react"
import { authOptions } from "./api/auth/[...nextauth]"
export default function Component() {
const { data: session } = useSession()
if (typeof window === "undefined") return null
if(session) {
return <>
Signed in as {session.user.email} <br/>
<button onClick={() => signOut()}>Sign out</button>
return <>
Not signed in <br/>
<button onClick={() => signIn()}>Sign in</button>
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
return {
props: {
session: await getServerSession(