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Is repeatedly trying to get locks a good solution to prevent deadlocks?

my question is about synchronisation and preventing deadlocks when using threads. In this example an object simply holds an integer variable and multiple threads call swapValue on those objects.

public class Data {

    private long value;

    public Data(long value) {
        this.value = value;
    public synchronized long getValue() {
        return value;
    public synchronized void setValue(long value) {
        this.value = value;

    public void swapValue(Data other) {
        long temp = getValue();
        long newValue = other.getValue();

The swapValue method should be thread safe and should not skip swapping the values if the resources are not available. Simply using the synchronized keyword on the method signature will result in a deadlock. I came up with this (apparently) working solution, which is only based on the probability that one thread unlocks its resource and the other tries to claim it while the resource is still unlocked.

private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();


public void swapValue(Data other) {

    long temp = getValue();
    long newValue = other.getValue();


To me this looks like a hack. Is this a common solution for these kind of problems? Are there solutions that are "more deterministic" in their behaviour and also applicable in practice?


  • There are two issues at play here:

    • First, mixing Data.lock with the built-in lock used by the synchronized keyword
    • Second, inconsistent locking order among four (!) locks - this.lock, other.lock, the built-in lock of this, and the built-in lock of other

    Even without synchronized, a.swapValue(b) and b.swapValue(a) can deadlock unless you use your approach to try to spin while locking and unlocking, which is inefficient.

    One approach that you could take is add a field with some kind of final unique ID to each Data object - when swapping data of two objects, lock the one with a lower ID before the one with the higher ID, regardless of which is this and which is other. Note that System.identityHashCode is unfortunately not unique so it can't be easily used here.

    The unlock ordering isn't critical here, but unlocking in the reverse order of locking is generally a good practice to follow where possible.