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API REST & MySQL : using both auto increment ID and uuid

I am creating a REST API with a MySQL database. I would like to know if using auto-incrementing IDs as primary keys, (to keep good performance) and unique uuid fields (used as API ID) is a bad idea? If so why?

(from Comment) The purpose of the UUID is to provide an opaque id in the API, while using a simpler, more efficient, BIGINT for internal purposes.


  • UUIDs have these benefits:

    • They can be created independently by multiple clients, while being unique.
    • They obfuscate the ids. (Example: avoid hackers discovering valid ids.)

    IDs have these benefits:

    • Smaller disk space (and cache) needed, hence somewhat faster.
    • Temporarily oriented ("recent" inserts are clustered "together"). This is a performance benefit for very large tables (or small RAMs).

    "Natural" Primary keys (a column or combination of columns that is intrinsically unique):

    • may be smaller
    • may be faster
    • more logical.
    • Example: In the case of a many-to-many mapping table (just 2 ids pointing to two other tables), PRIMARY KEY(a_id, b_id), INDEX(b_id, a_id) is clearly faster and smaller.

    UUIDs are 36 or 16 bytes; ids are 8 bytes or 4 or smaller. A natural key may take 0 extra bytes (or may not).

    To answer your question: "It depends".

    The tables I build have PKs:

    1. Natural - 2/3 of the tables
    2. Auto_inc - 1/3
    3. UUID - essentially none.

    (PS: I find REST to be clumsy and provide no real benefits, so I avoid it.)

    Based on Comment

    Probably you what:

    • An auto_inc id everywhere in the database;
    • A UUID for opaquely sending to the user. This avoids various hacking games that might be played with an auto_inc.

    So, in the the main table,

    CREATE TABLE main (
        uuid BINARY(16) NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (id),
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB

    When creating a new row, compute a new UUID, strip the dashes and convert FROM_HEX().

    When sending a message to the user, include uuid, not id.

    When receiving a reply message, quickly switch to using id by looking it up via that available index. Perhaps this way:

    SELECT id FROM main WHERE uuid = ?