I have made a UITableView with some cells containing UISliders. Every UISlider has a unique tag - the number of a value it represents.
When isContinuous value is set to true for them, the first and the last sliders affect each other - dragging one of them makes the same change in value on the other.
Here is how those cells are made:
class CellWithSliderValues: UITableViewCell{
@IBOutlet var slider: UISlider! = {
let ctrl = UISlider()
ctrl.backgroundColor = Constants.SETTINGS_CELL_COLOR
return ctrl
// some labels
override init(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
// layout
override func prepareForReuse() {
slider.tag = -10
minLabel.text = nil
maxLabel.text = nil
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
internal func makeSignalLevelCell(\*some args*\) -> UITableViewCell{
let tag: Int
let currValue: Float
let minValue, maxValue: Float
\\ set all the values above
if (numInSection == 0){
// other cells
} else{
let cell = mainScreen.table.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "CellWithSliderValues") as! CellWithSliderValues
cell.slider.maximumValue = maxValue
cell.slider.minimumValue = minValue
cell.slider.value = currValue
cell.minLabel.text = Int(minValue).description
cell.maxLabel.text = Int(maxValue).description
cell.slider.tag = tag
cell.slider.addTarget(self, action: #selector(sliderChange), for: .valueChanged)
return cell
@objc func sliderChange(sender: UISlider){
guard let valueToAdjustNumber = HeatmapSettings.RangedValueOption(rawValue: sender.tag) else {print("Non-understood slider"); return}
print (valueToAdjustNumber)
let newValueGiven = sender.value
\\check for validity and save changes to a different variable
mainScreen.table.reloadData() // beacuse we need to refresh the number in text box
The first and the last sliders in the table affect each other - when one has its value adjusted, the other changes its value too. With some debug outputs - see the
print (valueToAdjustNumber)
line above - it looks like valueToAdjustNumber alternates between the one expected for the slider and the one affected by the glitch.
It is not the problem of cell reuse - I tried genereting new cells instead of reuse, and also reusing cells but recreating sliders, it did not help.
When .isContinuous is set to false for the sliders, the problem disappears.
Bug disappeared after reloading only one section at a time.
Is made into
mainScreen.table.reloadSections([sectionNumberToReload(value: valueToAdjustNumber)], with: .none)