I have a text made up of lines which are prefixed by a "key" word and a delimiter "|"
I want to merge the lines that contain this word anywhere to the line that has this word as the first word
large text|The,first,word,on,some,lines,end,with,this,sign
what is required|merge,the,lines,containing,this,word،into,the,line
Any text is here then large text another word after that
So other texts here contain this word anywhere in the line
the end what is required to merge the lines
Desired result:
large text|The,first,word,on,some,lines,end,with,this,sign Any text is here then *large text# another word after that
other|texts,below,it,contain,this,word,anywhere,in,the,line So *other# texts here contain this word anywhere in the line
what is required|merge,the,lines,containing,this,word،into,the,line the end *what is required# to merge the lines
Is there a way to do it in Notepad++
$1 $4#$5*$6$3
. matches newline
^ # beginning of line
( # group 1
( # group 2
[^|\r\n]+ # 1 or more any character that is not a pipe or linebreak
) # end group 2
\| # a pipe
.+ # 1 or more any character but newline
$ # end of line
) # end group 1
( # group 3
[\s\S]+? # 1 or more any character, including newline, not greedy
\R # any kind of linebreak
) # end group 3
( # group 4
.+? # 1 or more any character but newline, not greedy
) # end group 4
) # group 5
\b # word boundary
\2 # backreference to group 2, the word to be searched
\b # word boundary
) # end group 5
( # group 6
.+? # 1 or more any character but newline, not greedy
$ # end of line
) # end group 6
Screenshot (before):
Screenshot (after):