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unknown size matrix in Fortran

I want to add elements to a 1d matrix mat, subject to a condition as in the test program below. In Fortran 2003 you can add an element


as mentioned in the related question Fortran array automatically growing when adding a value. Unfortunately, this is very slow for large matrices. So I tried to overcome this, by writing the matrix elements in an unformatted file and reading them afterwards. This turned out to be way faster than using mat=[mat,i]. For example for n=2000000_ilong the run time is 5.1078133666666661 minutes, whereas if you store the matrix elements in the file the run time drops to 3.5234166666666665E-003 minutes.
The problem is that for large matrix sizes the file storage.dat can be hundreds of GB... Any ideas?

program test

implicit none

integer, parameter :: ndig=8
integer, parameter :: ilong=selected_int_kind(ndig)
integer (ilong), allocatable :: mat(:)
integer (ilong), parameter :: n=2000000_ilong
integer (ilong) :: i, cn 
logical, parameter :: store=.false.

open(1, file='storage.dat',form='unformatted')

call cpu_time(START_CLOCK)

if(store) then 

 do i=1,n
   call random_number(z)
   if (z<0.5d0) then 
     write(1) i
   end if 
 end do

 rewind(1); allocate(mat(cn)); mat=0

 do i=1,cn
  read(1) mat(i)
 end do


 allocate(mat(1)); mat=0
 do i=1,n
   call random_number(z)
   if (z<0.5d0) then 
   end if 
 end do

end if

call cpu_time(STOP_CLOCK)
print *, 'run took:', (STOP_CLOCK - START_CLOCK)/60.0d0, 'minutes.'

end program test


  • Maybe you need a dynamic container such as C++'s std::vector, with a push_back() function.

    The following is a simplified version. You probably ought to check the allocation to make sure that you don't run out of addressable memory.

    Note the need for random_seed.

    module container
       use iso_fortran_env
       implicit none
       type array
          integer(int64), allocatable :: A(:)
          integer(int64) num
          procedure push_back
          procedure print
       end type array
       interface array                               ! additional constructors
          procedure array_constructor      
       end interface array
       function array_constructor() result( this )   ! performs initial allocation
          type(array) this
          allocate( this%A(1) )
          this%num = 0
       end function array_constructor
       subroutine push_back( this, i )
          class(array), intent(inout) :: this
          integer(int64) i
          integer(int64), allocatable :: temp(:)
          if ( size(this%A) == this%num ) then       ! Need to resize
             allocate( temp( 2 * this%num ) )        ! <==== for example
             temp(1:this%num ) = this%A
             call move_alloc( temp, this%A )
    !        print *, "Resized to ", size( this%A )  ! debugging only!!!
          end if
          this%num = this%num + 1
          this%A(this%num) = i
       end subroutine push_back
       subroutine print( this )
          class(array), intent(in) :: this
          write( *, "( *( i0, 1x ) )" ) ( this%A(1:this%num) )
       end subroutine print
    end module container
    program test
       use iso_fortran_env
       use container
       implicit none
       type(array) mat
       integer(int64) :: n = 2000000_int64
       integer(int64) i
       real(real64) z, START_CLOCK, STOP_CLOCK
       mat = array()                       ! initial trivial allocation
       call random_seed                    ! you probably need this
       call cpu_time(START_CLOCK)
       do i = 1, n
          call random_number( z )
          if ( z < 0.5_real64 ) call mat%push_back( i )
       end do
       call cpu_time(STOP_CLOCK)
       print *, 'Run took ', ( STOP_CLOCK - START_CLOCK ) / 60.0_real64, ' minutes.'
    !  call mat%print                      ! debugging only!!!
    end program test