The following code snippet uses the latest version of boto3 and looks for all "running" instances in ap-east-1, where the client is created with the specific region (ap-east-1)
running_instances = ec2.describe_instance_status(
"Name": "instance-state-name",
"Values": ["running"],
InstanceIds=<list of instance_ids>,
except ClientError as e:
<catch exception>
The result is an empty list even though there are running Ec2 instances.
The above snippet works for all other regions though.
The AWS command aws ec2 describe-instance-status --region ap-east-1 --filter Name="instance-state-name",Values="running" --instance-id <list of instance ids>
returns the running instances with the same filter.
What I am missing for this region specifically while using boto3? Is there a specific version of boto3 that works for ap-east-1 region? - I asked the question here and they helped with debugging it.
Org Payer Level Regional STS needed to be enabled for such regions.