We are using
version 1.40.1
together with1.16.4
in our project for linting our Golang code.
Until now, what we did is running this bash script (from the root directory of our repository):
if ! [ -x "$(command -v golangci-lint)" ]; then
echo "Fetching linter..."
go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint
go mod tidy
golangci-lint run --build-tags="unit contract container"
With some recent updates of Golang and golangci-lint
, we suddenly face this error message:
ERRO Running error: context loading failed: no go files to analyze
There is a lengthy post on GitHub regarding this issue but the only useful suggestion there is to turn off the GO111MODULE
env variable. When I run the linter with GO111MODULE
turned off like
GO111MODULE=off golangci-lint run --build-tags="unit contract container"
the upper error message disappears but instead I am getting lots of false linting errors like:
api/router.go:152:5: undeclared name: `PermissionUpdatePackage` (typecheck)
My go environment looks like this:
I tried to install the linter via go get...
as well as go install ...
and finally brew install golangci-lint
which seems to be the recommended way following this documentation.
Running a go get ./...
in the root of the project eventually solved the issues. In between we ran the following commands that probably cleared some (module?) caches that might have caused trouble as well:
golangci-lint cache clean && go clean -modcache -cache -i
golangci-lint run -v --timeout=5s
The error message
ERRO Running error: context loading failed: failed to load packages: timed out to load packages: context deadline exceeded
in the latter command pointed us to this GitHub post that made me try out go get ./...
For installing the linter (with a specified version), we ended up with this script:
if ! [ -x "$(command -v golangci-lint)" ]; then
echo "Fetching linter..."
# we cannot install linter in the project directory, otherwise we get dependency errors
# hence, temporarily jump into the /tmp directory
pushd /tmp > /dev/null
GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v"${linter_version}" 2>&1
popd >/dev/null