I can’t figure out how to save the Word style settings when replacing text (font, boldness, etc.). Reviewed similar articles - did not help I am using the library: docx-python
Git(code + word docx): https://github.com/AlpacaHD/test.git
I tried this, but it didn't help much.
# style = Document.styles\['Normal'\]
# font = style.font
# font.name = 'Times New Roman'
I need to somehow "drive" the code with the fonts, but I can't figure out how.
You'll need to work at the Run
Assigning text to [Run.text] ... Any existing run content is replaced. Run formatting is preserved.
Assigning text to [Paragraph.text] causes all existing paragraph content to be replaced with a single run containing the assigned text... Paragraph-level formatting, such as style, is preserved. All run-level formatting, such as bold or italic, is removed.
def find_replace(paragraph_keyword, draft_keyword, paragraph):
if paragraph_keyword in paragraph.text:
for run in paragraph.runs:
if paragraph_keyword in run.text:
run.text = run.text.replace(paragraph_keyword, draft_keyword)