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SonarQube build-wrapper silently fails

I'm running the build-wrapper like so:

build-wrapper-macosx-x86 --out-dir build_wrapper_output xcodebuild -project MyProject.xcodeproj -scheme All -configuration Release clean build

However, when I look at the result output the json file is empty:

# (C) SonarSource SA, 2014-2022,
# All SONARSOURCE programs and content are copyright protected.
# SONARSOURCE and SONARQUBE are trademarks of SonarSource SA. All rights are expressly reserved.
# This file is designed exclusively for use with the SONARSOURCE C / C++ / Objective-C Plugin.
# It may not be used in connection with any other software.
# Any other use is prohibited by law and may be grounds for immediate termination of your License.

When I run xcodebuild normally the build works. Is there something I'm missing here? I tried reading the following and followed the instructions:


  • Finally I found the solution. build wrapper doesnot support Mac os Ventura 13.x

    SonarCommunity, Build wrapper is not working as expected, Objective C, XCode


    Initially, I had used this command: xcodebuild clean build -workspace PagaloTodo.xcworkspace -Scheme PagaloTodo and the build is successful.

    I had tried passing others configuration options as arch, sdk, BUILD_LIBRARIES_FOR_DISTRIBUTION where also the build is successful but the build wrapper generated file is uncomplete.

    There is a jira ticket created for same.