We have a home grown identity provider. It has supposedly implemented Auth Code Flow with PKCE but when you register clients it doesn't ask if the client is a public/private client and additionally it doesn't whitelist redirect/reply urls with client app registrations.
I'm trying to explain to my security team why this is a big deal and should be rectified, but I'm not seeing where the PKCE RFC explicitly states that you must whitelist redirect/reply urls for public clients.
Today the IDP's auth endpoint will send auth codes in a redirection to any url you provide it in the original auth request. Isn't this opening us up to man in the middle attacks, or am I mistaken and making a big deal of nothing, somehow PKCE patches this exploit?
Public clients have no way of proving their identity - that the application is really the client it is supposed to be. So an attacker can use their client_id
and create a phishing application. If the OAuth2 server doesn't validate redirect_uri
, the phishing application will easily get an auth code and exchange it for tokens.
The OAuth2 RFC says:
The authorization server MUST require public clients and SHOULD require confidential clients to register their redirection URIs.
You can also check the "OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations":