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MIPS assembly - How to make sure MIPS is printing '4' from an array as a '4' and not EOT( end of transmission)

I have a MIPS code that gathers an input from a user and converts it into a different string with a key inside an array. The problem is that the keys are just numbers 2,3,4... but when mips reads this, it assumes its the Dec code for what it means in ascii. How do I make sure the actual number 4 is printed when it reads '$' (Key attached at code below)

inBuf:      .space  80      # input line
outBuf:         .space  80      # char types for the input line
prompt: .asciiz "Enter a new input line. \n”
    .word   0x09, 6     # tab
    .word   0x0a, 6     # LF
    .word   ' ', 6
    .word   '#', 5
    .word   '$', 4
    .word   '(', 4 
    .word   ')', 4 
    .word   '*', 3 
    .word   '+', 3 
    .word   ',', 4 
    .word   '-', 3 
    .word   '.', 4 
    .word   '/', 3 
    .word   '0', 1
    .word   '1', 1 
    .word   '2', 1 
    .word   '3', 1 
    .word   '4', 1 
    .word   '5', 1 
    .word   '6', 1 
    .word   '7', 1 
    .word   '8', 1 
    .word   '9', 1 
    .word   ':', 4 
    .word   'A', 2
    .word   'B', 2 
    .word   'C', 2 
    .word   'D', 2 
    .word   'E', 2 
    .word   'F', 2 
    .word   'G', 2 
    .word   'H', 2 
    .word   'I', 2 
    .word   'J', 2 
    .word   'K', 2
    .word   'L', 2 
    .word   'M', 2 
    .word   'N', 2 
    .word   'O', 2 
    .word   'P', 2 
    .word   'Q', 2 
    .word   'R', 2 
    .word   'S', 2 
    .word   'T', 2 
    .word   'U', 2
    .word   'V', 2 
    .word   'W', 2 
    .word   'X', 2 
    .word   'Y', 2
    .word   'Z', 2
    .word   'a', 2 
    .word   'b', 2 
    .word   'c', 2 
    .word   'd', 2 
    .word   'e', 2 
    .word   'f', 2 
    .word   'g', 2 
    .word   'h', 2 
    .word   'i', 2 
    .word   'j', 2 
    .word   'k', 2
    .word   'l', 2 
    .word   'm', 2 
    .word   'n', 2 
    .word   'o', 2 
    .word   'p', 2 
    .word   'q', 2 
    .word   'r', 2 
    .word   's', 2 
    .word   't', 2 
    .word   'u', 2
    .word   'v', 2 
    .word   'w', 2 
    .word   'x', 2 
    .word   'y', 2
    .word   'z', 2
    .word   0x5c, -1        # if you ‘\’ as the end-of-table symbol

la  $a0, prompt     # Prompt to enter a new line
li  $v0, 4

la  $a0, inBuf      # read a new line
li  $a1, 80 
li  $v0, 8

li $t0, 0 #load 0 into index

j linearLoop

li $t4, 0 #load 0 into inner index
lb $a0, inBuf($t0) #load first byte from input
j linearLoopTab

lb $a1, tabChar($t4) #load first byte from tabchar
beq $a1, $a0, found #compares input byte to tab byte, if similar jump to found
li $t2, '#' #makes t2 '#'
beq $a0, $t2, exit #if current input byte is '#', exit
addiu $t4, $t4, 8 #add index
j linearLoopTab #loop back

addi $t4,$t4,4 #selects correct pos for encrypted message
lb $a2, tabChar($t4) #load first byte from input
subi $t4,$t4,4 #reverting pos

sb $a2, outBuf($t0) #store it into outbuff at index pos
addi $t0, $t0, 1 #add index
j linearLoop

la $a0, outBuf
li $v0, 4         #prints and leaves
la $a0,inBuf
jal clear
la $a0,outBuf
jal clear
li $v0, 10 #exit command

    li    $t0, 0

I already tried to change the "li $v0, 4 #prints and leaves" to system code 1 for integer. That results in a very strange number to be printed (268501072) I am unsure why that happens


  • I figured it out, just added 48 to my $a2 and it worked

    addi $t4,$t4,4 #selects correct pos for encrypted message
    lb $a2, tabChar($t4) #load first byte from input
    subi $t4,$t4,4 #reverting pos
    addi $a2,$a2,48
    sb $a2, outBuf($t0) #store it into outbuff at index pos
    addi $t0, $t0, 1 #add index
    j linearLoop