I just released a game to the Google Plat store but my Admob Ads are not showing. Some easy answers:
I made the connection to Admob Sunday morning (2/5/23) and I got this email:
We completed our app review. The following app has been approved, and we’ve lifted the ad serving limits and restrictions put in place during the review.
Yes - I have the latest implementation code in my build gradle (in the dependencies brackets):
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:21.4.0'
Again, the Google AdMob test ads show, so in my Manifest I have (in the meta-data):
In my Main_Activity file I use the Ad Unit ID.
In looking for a solution for this I came across this solution earlier, so I added this code to the Manifest as well:
<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID"/>
My app creates non-personalized ads like so:
private void createNonPersonalizedAd(Animation slideOutToLeft) {
Bundle networkExtrasBundle = new Bundle();
networkExtrasBundle.putInt("rdp", 1);
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()
.addNetworkExtrasBundle(AdMobAdapter.class, networkExtrasBundle)
createInterstitialAd(adRequest, slideOutToLeft);
In my Google Play Console I answered "YES" to the following question:
Does your app use advertising ID?
Analytics or Marketing
I'm not sure if there is value in pasting all of the code from the Main_Activity that calls the ads, especially since the test ads display OK.
I was able to get some outside help and thus discovered the issue was that Google had not approved my Admob account. This was not reflected in my account though, because everything there looked ready to go - and I got the email from Google saying my app was approved and ready to show ads.
I was browsing other forums where someone mentioned to check Adsense. I went to my Adsense account and saw that again I wasn't approved yet for payments. I had submitted that information before - but I resubmitted my government ID, EIN, incorporation paperwork and then my banking information. Once that was submitted, my ads began to show in my apps.
So the issue wasn't technical. It was just Adsense needing information about my company. I hope this answer helps someone else out.