Suppose we needed to compare values inside tuples (to give context, let's say a tuple of 3 values represents a data dd/mm/yy) & we want to check which if date1< date2.
Is it possible to compare tuples?
fun is_older(date1:int*int*int, date2:int*int*int) =
(#3 date1, #2 date1, #1 date1) < (#3 date2, #2 date2, #1 date2);
This answer was generated by chatGPT & gave an error. I correctly implemented a similar function using if statements, but was wondering if tuples are actually comparable.
Again, I suggest pattern matching. It's cleaner.
fun is_older((a, b, c), (x, y, z)) =
(c, b, a) < (z, y, x);
Second, no. The type of op<
is int * int → bool