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How to add honeypot to forms in TYPO3 Version 11?

There use to be an extension for honeypot in TYPO3. My understanding is that in the newer versions of TYPO3 (version 11 and latest, there is no separate extension required and a honeypot field is included in the system form extension. Is that true?

If yes, how can i see and use it in my form? Below is the image of form elements that i currently see. My TYPO3 version is 11.5.16

enter image description here


  • It is true, the honeypot field is integrated into the form by default. The documentation says that the honeypot field cannot be activated via form editor.

    Anyway, the honeypot field is automatically present in the HTML in my contact form. However, it seems that either the spammers are tricking the field or the finisher is not blocking the sending. Anyway, I get spam every day through my contact form. An explanation would be appreciated by me as well.