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How do I gracefully disconnect MongoDB in Google Functions? Behavior of "normal" Cloud Run and "Functions Cloud Run" seems to be different

In a normal Cloud Run something like the following seems to properly close a Mongoose/MongoDB connection.

const cleanup = async () => {
    await mongoose.disconnect()
    console.log('database | disconnected from db')

const shutdownSignals = ['SIGTERM', 'SIGINT']
shutdownSignals.forEach((sig) => process.once(sig, cleanup))

But for a Cloud-Functions-managed Cloud Run this seems not to be the case. The instances shut down without waiting the usual 10s that "normal" Cloud Runs give after the SIGTERM is sent, so I never see the database | disconnected from db.

How would one go about this? I don't wanna create a connection for every single Cloud Functions call (very wasteful in my case).


  • Well, here is what I went with for now:

    import mongoose from 'mongoose'
    import { Sema } from 'async-sema'
    functions.cloudEvent('someCloudFunction', async (event) => {
        await connect()
        // actual computation here
        await disconnect()
    const state = {
        num: 0,
        sema: new Sema(1),
    export async function connect() {
        await state.sema.acquire()
        if (state.num === 0) {
            try {
                await mongoose.connect(MONGO_DB_URL)
            } catch (e) {
        state.num += 1
    export async function disconnect() {
        await state.sema.acquire()
        state.num -= 1
        if (state.num === 0) {
            await mongoose.disconnect()

    As one can see I used kind of a "reference counting" of the processes which want to use the connection, and ensured proper concurrency with async-sema.

    I should note that this works well with the setup I have; I allow many concurrent requests to one of my Cloud Functions instances. In other cases this solution might not improve over just opening up (and closing) a connection every single time the function is called. But as stuff like seems to imply, everything has to be handled inside the cloudEvent function.