I have 3 lists,
First list tells me customer name,
Second list tells me its type,
cst_type=['A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B']
Third list tell me its arrival,
After a customer arrives, it needs to be serviced for 3 minutes.
I want to prioritize customers with A type, that is, if A comes and the person(only 1) serving all of them is free or after becoming free, it will give priority to A, otherwise it will work according to FCFS.
How can I make a python program(simple one) to output a list of at what time they begin to be served?
I know if no priority is there then I can use:
For i in range(1,5):
Service_begin[i]=max(arrival[i], service_end[i-1])
However how to change the program to add priority.
You could build this as a simulation where you progress through the minutes of the day, picking the next customer from two lanes (A and B) based on priorities.
def serviceOrder(names,types,times):
serviceDuration = 3
laneA = [i for i,t in enumerate(types) if t=="A"] # "A" cutomers (indexes)
laneB = [i for i,t in enumerate(types) if t=="B"] # "B" cutomers
minute = 0 # current minute of the day when server is free
while laneA or laneB:
# serve all "A" customers currently present/waiting
while laneA and times[laneA[0]] <= minute:
index = laneA.pop(0)
yield minute,names[index],"A"
minute += serviceDuration
# when no As to serve, take one B customer
if laneB and times[laneB[0]] <= minute:
index = laneB.pop(0)
yield minute,names[index],"B"
minute += serviceDuration
# no customers, wait a minute, and check again
minute += 1
note: this assumes that times are in increasing order. You'll need to sort the 3 lists if that's not the case.
cst_type=['A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B']
for time,name,prio in serviceOrder(cst,cst_type,arrived_at):
# start...end minute of service, customer name, type
# 2 ... 4 name: 1 A
# 5 ... 7 name: 2 B
# 8 ... 10 name: 3 B
# 11 ... 13 name: 4 A
# 14 ... 16 name: 5 B
Example with an A customer served before a B customer that arrived earlier:
cst_type=['A', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'B']
for time,name,prio in serviceOrder(cst,cst_type,arrived_at):
# start...end minutes of service, customer name, type
# 2 ... 4 name: 1 A
# 5 ... 7 name: 3 A
# 8 ... 10 name: 2 B
# 11 ... 13 name: 4 A
# 14 ... 16 name: 5 B