An example LayoutInflater
View inflate = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.,parent,false);
Can't understand the work of LayoutInflater
in Android. Tried to read the official documentation of the android but, couldn't get the concept.
The main difference between findViewById and LayoutInflater is that findViewById is used to access existing views in a layout, while LayoutInflater is used to create a new view hierarchy from an XML layout file.
FindViewById is a method of the Activity class, while LayoutInflater is a separate class on it's own.
FindViewById is used to access a view in the current layout, this means lets us find Views from layouts written in XML and returns a reference to their Java objects, while LayoutInflater is used to create a new view hierarchy from an XML layout file, so this class is the responsible for “inflating” the layouts.
Hope it helps.