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Using separate data provider class with PHPUnit and attributes

I would like to separate Tests and Data Providers. Using PHP 8 attributes, I cannot get the following test to run when referencing an external Data Provider:

#[DataProviderExternal(RouterDataProvider::class, 'registerGetRouteData')]
public function itRegistersGetRoute(Route $route, array $expectedResult)
    $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $this->router->getRoutes());

My data provider class:

class RouterDataProvider
    public static function registerGetRouteData(): array
        return [
            $route = new Route('/', ['IndexController', 'index']),
                'GET' => [
                    '/' => $route,
                'POST' => []

How could I get this test to run with the desired provider method?


  • By running PHPUnit with the following flags, I was able to see exactly what my issue was:

    ./vendor/bin/phpunit --display-deprecations --display-warnings --diplay-errors --display-notices

    The data set was invalid. Changing the return to yield and updating the return type for the registerGetRouteData method from array to \Generator resolved this.

    I was running phpunit with the --testdox flag, so I'm not sure if this is what stopped me seeing any errors initially and assume the test was being skipped.