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How to find grandparent parent child relationship for View in SQL

With a table that looks like this:

ParentID AgencyID CompanyName
NULL 1 ABC Agency
NULL 2 Another Agency
2 3 Agency 3
3 4 Agency 4

The goal here is to develop a database view that shows the parent and grand-parent for a given agency. Some agencies only have a parent (no grand-parent), and still others are stand-alone - they don't have a parent. We want the view to look like this:

- GrandParentAgencyNo
- GrandParentName
- ParentAgencyNo
- ParentName 
- AgencyNo 
- AgencyName
- NumberOfChildren
- NumberOfGrandChildren

We could use that to find all the children for a given agency:

    select * from AgencyView where ParentAgencyNo = "ABC123"

if an agency doesn't have a parent, the above result should look like this:

- GrandParentAgencyNo: 1 
- GrandParentName: ABC Agency 
- ParentAgencyNo: 1
- ParentName: ABC Agency 
- AgencyNo: 1
- AgencyName: ABC Agency 
- NumberOfChildren: 0
- NumberOfGrandChildren: 0

I tried writing recursive functions similar to the one below (including other queries that included trying to find the grandparent) with no luck. I am unfamiliar with recursion and always seem to hit the max recursion rate in SQL Server.

with A(Id, ParentId) as 
    select AgencyId, ParentAgencyId from Agency 
    union all
    select e.AgencyId, p.ParentId from Agency e 
    join A p on e.ParentAgencyId = p.Id
select * from A


  • I don't use recursion unless I have to, usually due to an unknown or large number of levels. I would simply use left joins and case statements to get parents and grandparents and a sub-select for the child counts.

    SELECT A.Agencyid, A.CompanyName
    , CASE WHEN p.AgencyId is not null then p.AgencyId 
           else A.AgencyID END AS ParentAgencyId
    , CASE WHEN p.AgencyId is not null then p.CompanyName
           else A.CompanyNameEND ParentCompanyName
    , CASE WHEN gp.AgencyId is not null then gp.AgencyId 
           WHEN p.AgencyId is not null then p.AgencyId 
           else A.AgencyID END GrandParentAgencyId
    , CASE WHEN gp.AgencyId is not null then gp.CompanyName
           WHEN p.AgencyId is not null then p.CompanyName
           else A.CompanyNameEND GrandParentCompanyName
    , (SELECT count(*) FROM Agency where ParentId = A.AgencyId) Children
    , (SELECT count(*) FROM Agency C 
           JOIN Agency GC ON C.AgencyId = GC.ParentId 
           where C.ParentId = A.AgencyId) GrandChildren
    FROM Agency A
    LEFT JOIN Agency P ON P.AgencyId = A.ParentId
    LEFT JOIN Agency GP ON GP.AgencyId = P.ParentId
    WHERE A.AgencyId = 1