I created a dynamodb table with two records in there. One is the ARN of the rds and one is date field name last_reported. Now i am trying to run lambda function which should fetch that record. If there is data in the table it should execute the value of the table / item, if there is no data in the table, it should exit with a message. I get the following error
"errorMessage": "'Item'",
"errorType": "KeyError",
"requestId": "",
"stackTrace": [
" File \"/var/lang/lib/python3.9/importlib/__init__.py\", line 127, in import_module\n
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)\n",
" File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 1030, in _gcd_import\n",
" File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 1007, in _find_and_load\n",
" File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 986, in _find_and_load_unlocked\n",
" File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 680, in _load_unlocked\n",
" File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>\", line 850, in exec_module\n",
" File \"<frozen importlib._bootstrap>\", line 228, in _call_with_frames_removed\n",
" File \"/var/task/lambda_function.py\", line 339, in <module>\n lambda_handler(1,1)\n",
" File \"/var/task/lambda_function.py\", line 263, in lambda_handler\n last_reported = int(read_db['Item']['last_reported']['N'])\n"
] }
dynamo_table_name = 'my_table'
key = 'arn'
dynamo = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name=source_region, config=Config(connect_timeout=5, read_timeout=60, retries={'max_attempts': 10}))
response = dynamo.query(
KeyConditionExpression="arn = :arn",
ExpressionAttributeValues={":arn": {"S":arn}}
if response == True
read_db = dynamo.get_item(TableName=dynamo_table_name, Key={'arn':{'S':arn}})
last_reported = int(read_db['Item']['last_reported']['N'])
print (last_reported)
You need to be sure your get_item
returned an item, you can do that by checking for the existence of the Item
key in the dict returned:
read_db = dynamo.get_item(TableName=dynamo_table_name, Key={'arn':{'S':arn}})
if 'Item' in read_db:
# your logic