I have a file which contains
person: male
Pet : dog, cat,
person: female
pet : dog, pig
Like this many persons data is there I want to get data of only male persons. and their pet. Like
person: male
Pet : dog, cat,
I am trying to match two line. Thats not working
while{[gets $fh line] > 0} {
if {[regexp {(person: male.*)\n(pets :.*)} $line match submatch]} {
puts $match
puts $submatch
Your problem is that you are only reading one line at a time. If you read the whole file in (with read
) then you can do multiline matching.
If you are doing multiline matching, you might find the -line
option to regexp
useful, as it means it will only ever match a newline if you explicitly put one in the pattern.