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R: Only keeping the first observation of the month in dataset

I have the following kind of dataframe, with thousands of columns and rows. First column contains dates, and the following columns contain asset returns indexes corresponding to that date.

DATE Asset_1 Asset_2 Asset_3 Asset_4
2000-01-01 1000 300 2900 NA
2000-01-31 1100 350 2950 NA
2000-02-02 1200 330 2970 100
2000-02-28 1200 360 3000 200
2000-03-01 1200 370 3500 300

I want to make this into a monthly dataset by only keeping the first observation of the month.

I have come up with the following script:

monthly <- daily %>% filter(day(DATE) == 1) 

However, the problem with this is that it doesnt work for months where the first day of the month is not a trading date (aka it is missing from the daily dataset).

So when I run the command, those months where the first day of the month doesn't exist are excluded from my dataset.


  • If the data is always ordered, you could group by year\month, then keep (slice) the first record from each group. Like:

    df %>% 
      group_by(ym=paste(year(mydate), month(mydate))) %>% 
      #group_by(year(mydate), month(mydate)) %>% 