In python I'm loading my predefined model (super-gradients, yolox-s):
onnx_session = onnxrt.InferenceSession("yolox_s_640_640.onnx")
Then I load some data and run it:
dataset = MyCostumeDataset(args.path, 'val')
val_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=args.bsize)
for inputs in val_dataloader:
onnx_inputs = {onnx_session.get_inputs()[0].name: inputs}
# inputs.shape: torch.Size([4, 3, 640, 640]), i.e., this is a Tensor
raw_predictions =, onnx_inputs)
# this returns a list of numpy arrays:
# type(raw_predictions[0])
# <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
# raw_predictions[0].shape
# (4, 8400, 85)
So far it is working as it should, except I'd like it to return, by default, a list of Tensors (torch.Tensor) instead of numpy array. I'm new to both ONNX and PyTorch, and I'm feeling like this is something basic that I'm missing here.
How can I get onnx_session to return a list of torch.Tensor, instead of numpy arrays? This will same some overhead in the conversion. Thanks!
According to the documentation you can get either - Returns: list of results, every result is either a numpy array, a sparse tensor, a list or a dictionary.