Search code examples

restriction in second position - index not used - why?

I have created the below example and do not understand why the planner does not use index i2 for the query. As can be seen in pg_stats, it understands that column uniqueIds contains unique values. it also understands that column fourOtherIds contains only 4 different values. Shouldn't a search of index i2 then be by far the fastest way? Looking for uniqueIds in only four different index leaves of fourOtherIds? What is wrong with my understanding of how an index works? Why does it think using i1 makes more sense here, even though it has to filter out 333.333 rows? In my understanding it should use i2 to find the one row (or few rows, as there is no unique constraint) that has uniqueIds 4000 first and then apply where fourIds = 1 as a filter.

create table t (fourIds int, uniqueIds int,fourOtherIds int);
insert into t ( select 1,*,5 from generate_series(1      ,1000000));
insert into t ( select 2,*,6 from generate_series(1000001,2000000));
insert into t ( select 3,*,7 from generate_series(2000001,3000000));
insert into t ( select 4,*,8 from generate_series(3000001,4000000));
create index i1 on t (fourIds);
create index i2 on t (fourOtherIds,uniqueIds);
analyze t;
select n_distinct,attname from pg_stats where tablename = 't';
n_distinct|attname     |
       4.0|fourids     |
      -1.0|uniqueids   |
explain analyze select * from t where fourIds = 1 and uniqueIds = 4000;
QUERY PLAN                                                                                                                |
Gather  (cost=1000.43..22599.09 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=0.667..46.818 rows=1 loops=1)                               |
  Workers Planned: 2                                                                                                      |
  Workers Launched: 2                                                                                                     |
  ->  Parallel Index Scan using i1 on t  (cost=0.43..21598.99 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=25.227..39.852 rows=0 loops=3)|
        Index Cond: (fourids = 1)                                                                                         |
        Filter: (uniqueids = 4000)                                                                                        |
        Rows Removed by Filter: 333333                                                                                    |
Planning Time: 0.107 ms                                                                                                   |
Execution Time: 46.859 ms                                                                                                 |


  • Not every conceivable optimization has been implemented. You are looking for a variant of an index skip scan AKA a loose index scan. PostgreSQL does not automatically implement those (yet--people were working on it but I don't know if they still are. Also, I think I've read that one of the 3rd party extensions/forks, citus maybe, has implemented it). You can emulate one yourself using a recursive CTE, but that would be quite annoying to do.