I am wanting to write a script that would look like the following:
Execute a pre-processing function (only 1 process should do this; all others wait until this is done)
All processes then do the main function in parallel
Finally, after all processes finish, execute a post-processing function
I tried:
from mpi4py import MPI
*parallel script
But all cores are running all parts of the script
I eventually found a solution that worked for me. rank 0 is acting as a manager that pre-processes, then delegates the main script processing to all the other ranks, then post-processes. It works like this:
if rank == 0:
for i in range(1,size):
comm.sendrecv('pre-processing finished; ask for work', dest=i)
while (work_remains):
source = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE)
comm.send(work_remains.pop(), dest=source)
for i in range(1,size):
comm.send('no more work', dest=i)
comm.recv(source=0) # Blocker; wait for rank 0 to finish
comm.send(rank, dest=0) # Ask for work