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How to change AWS API Gateway method integration type to HTTP_PROXY with CLI?

In my case, AWS API Gateway should proxy every request and response through as they are. The API was created by importing an OpenAPI definition. I know how to manually set the method integration in the AWS console to HTTP proxy and set the endpoint URI.

I want to get rid of manual work and create a PowerShell script that loops through every method and sets those settings. But I haven't found the right command to update the integration type and URI.

After reading AWS CLI reference I have tried this command:

update-integration --rest-api-id  x0cm5muxxx --resource-id xvxxxx --http-method GET --integration-type HTTP_PROXY --profile user2

But it gives an error:

"Unknown options: --integration-type, HTTP_PROXY"

Another CLI command I have tried without success is update-method with --patch-operations.

After the changes, the method's integration should look like this example:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> aws apigateway get-integration --rest-api-id  x0cm5muxxx --resource-id x1lxxx --http-method GET --profile user2
    "type": "HTTP_PROXY",
    "httpMethod": "GET",
    "uri": "https://${stageVariables.Url}/api/v1/Productlist/CanOrder/{fnprodId}",
    "connectionType": "INTERNET",
    "requestParameters": {
        "integration.request.path.fnprodId": "method.request.path.fnprodId"
    "passthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
    "timeoutInMillis": 29000,
    "cacheNamespace": "01lxxx",
    "cacheKeyParameters": [],
    "integrationResponses": {
        "200": {
            "statusCode": "200"

The next problem will be how to loop through every single method in the API for this update.


  • I got help and correct command to change methods integration type is:

    aws apigateway put-integration --rest-api-id $RestAPIid --resource-id $ResourceId --http-method GET --type HTTP_PROXY --integration-http-method GET --profile $Profile  --uri $uri

    Edit: It have to be considered that put-integration command will lose all previous integration parameters. So after adding HTTP_PROXY integration I loop through all parameters and write them back.

    If someone is trying to loop Rest API resources with Powershell it goes like this simplified..

    $array = Aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id  $RestAPIid --profile $MyProfile --query  [items[*].id]
    $array | sort
    "Amount of resources:"
    echo $array.Length
     foreach ($arrayItem in $array) {
       "$arrayItem = " + $arrayItem.length