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XML Formatting from Kotlin class

I am trying to format XML from Kotlin data class and I have a problem with attributes. Question is how to add attribute to one field, trying to format something like this:

   <field actionCode="Add">aa</field>

By this:

data class ExampleClass (
    @JacksonXmlProperty(isAttribute = true, localName = "actionCode")
    var fieldActionCode: String = "Add",

    @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "field")
    var field: String = "aa"

But by doing so attribute goes to wrong place, to Example class:

<ExampleClass actionCode="Add">

I use FasterXML Jackson library.


  • Attribute goes to correct place since you declare fieldActionCode as an attribute of ExampleClass, not of its nested element.

    Desired output can be achieved like this:

    data class ExampleClass (
        @field:JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "field")
        var field: ExampleField = ExampleField()
    ) {
        data class ExampleField(
            @field:JacksonXmlProperty(isAttribute = true, localName = "actionCode")
            var fieldActionCode: String = "Add",
            var field: String = "aa"
    fun main() {
        val mapper = XmlMapper().enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT)


      <field actionCode="Add">aa</field>