I am learning Coq and trying to prove "A \/ False -> A" but I am not sure what am I doing wrong.
I tried the following code:
Goal forall A False : Prop, A \/ False -> A.
intros A False H.
destruct H as [HP | HQ].
apply HP.
apply HQ.
And expected to establish the premise for exfalso by applying the assumption HQ but it did not work and I got the following message: "Unable to unify "False" with "Logic.False"."
What am I missing?
In your statement you quantify over a proposition that you name False
. There is a clash with the False
that is defined in Logic
. So in your environment you have two False
your proposition and the one in Logic
and they differ.
The statement you want to prove is equivalent to forall A B : Prop, A \/ B -> A