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Exception during ingestion, MLRunAccessDeniedError

I got this issue during data ingest/write:

~/.pythonlibs/jist-jupyter/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mlrun/ in raise_for_status(response, message)
     82             raise STATUS_ERRORS[response.status_code](
     83                 error_message, response=response
---> 84             ) from exc
     85         except KeyError:
     86             raise MLRunHTTPError(error_message, response=response) from exc

MLRunAccessDeniedError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: http://mlrun-api:8080/api/v1/projects/fs-test/feature-sets/test/references/latest?versioned=False: Failed storing feature-set fs-test/test details: {'reason': "MLRunAccessDeniedError('Not allowed to create resource /projects/fs-test/feature-sets/test')"}

It is source code, that generated this issue:

import mlrun
import mlrun.projects as prj
import mlrun.feature_store as fstore
from mlrun.datastore.targets import ParquetTarget,CSVTarget, NoSqlTarget

feature_set=fstore.FeatureSet(name=fsName, entities=entity_list,

Do you know, how to solve the issue?


  • It is about access right management and you can not create/save FeatureSet in project, because you do not have enough privileges. There are at least two solutions:

    1 - Setup project owner

    • Create new project, where you will be in role project owner (in this case you have ability to create/save new FeatureSet), see
    • enter image description here

    2 - Add member of project

    • You have to add your account as new member to the existing project in relevant roles (Admin or Editor), see
    • enter image description here

    Precondition: Before focus on these two solutions, please check your current roles, if you have roles Data and Developer at least.