I have a data frame with a column text
which has strings as shown below
my name is abc
xyz is a fruit
abc likes per
I also have a list of phrases as shown below
['abc', 'fruit', 'likes per']
I want to add a column terms
to my data frame which contains those phrases in the list that occur in the text
string, so result in this case would be
text terms
my name is abc ['abc']
xyz is a fruit ['fruit']
abc likes per ['abc', 'likes per']
Can I do this without using regex?
I hope, this works for your solution use apply to check the condition if its present in the list.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(data={
"text": ["my name is abc", "xyz is a fruit", "abc likes per"]
lst = ['abc', 'fruit', 'likes per']
df['terms'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: [i for i in lst if i in x])