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Close Discord message on button click

I have a select menu with a submit button. When submit is clicked I want to close the current message, submit the data and then open a new select menu but I am having trouble figuring out how to have the message close.

How can I have the current menu and button close when the submit button is clicked?

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • To turn my comment into an answer; you can just delete the message on button press. For example, my Cancel buttons look a little like this:

    @discord.ui.button(label="Cancel",, row=3, disabled=False, emoji="✖️")
    async def cancel_callback(self, button: discord.ui.Button, interaction: discord.Interaction):
        await interaction.message.delete()

    This is within a custom View class so might have to be adapted for your needs - but using the interaction.message attribute to delete the message is the way to go.