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Plotly: changing axis range in surface subplots

I have the following minimal reproducible example and can't find how to change the z-axis range for the subplots

import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import numpy as np

main_fig = make_subplots(
rows= 4, 
cols= 4,
specs = [[{'type': 'surface'} for k in range(4)] for j in range(4)],
horizontal_spacing = 0.05,

axis = np.arange(50)
for k, spec in enumerate(range(16)):
    fig = go.Surface(x=axis, y=axis, z=axis[:,None] * axis[None,:], showscale=False)
    main_fig.append_trace(fig, row = k//4 + 1, col = k%4 + 1)

main_fig.update_layout(height=800, width=800)

I tried with variations of fig.update_layout inside the loop, so far without luck.


  • To adjust the 3D axes, adjust the xyz axis in the section called scene, respectively. Please refer to the reference for examples. I set all z-axes manually, but I am sure there are more efficient codes.

        scene=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene1=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene2=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene3=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene4=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene5=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene6=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene7=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene8=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene9=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene10=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene11=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene12=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene13=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene14=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene15=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000])),
        scene16=dict(zaxis=dict(nticks=4, range=[0,1000]))

    enter image description here