I have several two-dimensional data arrays loaded into NumPy arrays, all of which have identical dimensions. These shared dimensions are 2606x and 1228y.
I am interested in computing calculations between the first two arrays (a1 & a2) across a moving window, using a window sized 2x by 2y, with the resultant calculation then applied to the third array. Specifically, the workflow would be:
I know that this process involves the following pieces of code to obtain the values I require:
idx1 = np.where(a1 == a1.max())
idx2 = np.where(a1 == a1.min())
val1 = a2[idx1[1], idx1[2]]
val2 = a2[idx2[1], idx2[2]]
What additional code is required to perform this moving window along the identically sized arrays?
Since your array shape is divisible by your window size, you can use numpy.reshape
to split your array up into little windows such that your original array shape of (2606, 1228)
becomes (2606/2, 2, 1228/2, 2)
If numpy.argmin
accepted sequences of axes, this would be easier, but since it only accepts a single axis (or None
but we don't want that), we need to compress the two window axes into a single axes. To do that, we use numpy.moveaxis
to make the shape (2606/2, 1228/2, 2, 2)
and then numpy.reshape
again to flatten the last two axes into (2606/2, 1228/2, 4)
With that headache over with, we can then use numpy.argmin
and numpy.argmax
on the last axis to compute the indices you're interested in and use advanced indexing to write the corresponding value of a2
to a3
. After that, we just have to undo the reshape
and moveaxis
operations that were done to a3
import numpy as np
shape = (4, 6)
a1 = np.random.random(shape)
a2 = np.random.random(shape)
a3 = np.zeros(shape)
win_x = 2
win_y = 2
shape_new = (shape[0] // win_x, win_x, shape[1] // win_y, win_y)
a1_r = np.moveaxis(a1.reshape(shape_new), 1, 2).reshape(*shape_new[::2], -1)
a2_r = np.moveaxis(a2.reshape(shape_new), 1, 2).reshape(*shape_new[::2], -1)
a3_r = np.moveaxis(a3.reshape(shape_new), 1, 2).reshape(*shape_new[::2], -1)
index_x, index_y = np.indices(shape_new[::2])
index_min = np.argmin(a1_r, axis=-1)
index_max = np.argmax(a1_r, axis=-1)
a3_r[index_x, index_y, index_min] = a2_r[index_x, index_y, index_min]
a3_r[index_x, index_y, index_max] = a2_r[index_x, index_y, index_max]
a3 = np.moveaxis(a3_r.reshape(*shape_new[::2], win_x, win_y), 2, 1).reshape(shape)
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