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File serve in shopify app dev not working

I've created shopify app with node.js app template

npm init @shopify/app@latest

Folder structure is at the bottom

And run npm run dev It's ok for api endpoints.

What I wanna do is to serve static files. In fact, this is an express.js server and I created a static folder in web folder


But I can't access static files. I tried app.use(serveStatic("${process.cwd()}/static")). The above stuff is working on a normal express.js project. But it does not work with shopify cli and vite config.

Vite config is

const config = {
  test: {
    globals: true,
    exclude: ["./frontend/**", "./node_modules/**"],

export default config;

enter image description here


  • I finally got it.

    I noticed that:

    1. It works if you were to load using localhost:PORT/path/to/static.file. You can print out PORT in your web/index.js.
    2. This simple middleware doesn't get triggered when requesting your static file through ngrok but it does get triggered by number 1 above.
    app.use((req, res, next) => {
      console.log("Backend hit!");

    That means the backend never got the static file request. My understanding is vite receives all the requests then proxies some of them to the backend using a config.

    The config Shopify gave is not proxying the static file request so you'll need to modify the proxy config.


    export default defineConfig({
      server: {
        host: "localhost",
        port: process.env.FRONTEND_PORT,
        hmr: hmrConfig,
        proxy: {
          "^/(\\?.*)?$": proxyOptions,
          "^/api(/|(\\?.*)?$)": proxyOptions,
          // The next line is what I added
          "^/static/.*$": proxyOptions,


    app.use("/static", express.static(`${process.cwd()}/public`));

    I'm mounting my static files on "/static" but feel free to modify the proxy line to suit your needs.