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How to obtain a certain value from a map list and reference that value in IAM policy terraform

So I have an IAM policy where I am hard coding the name of the IAM group. Instead, I want to be able to reference the arn of a specific group. I have the following configuration set up :

variable "iam_user_groups" {
  type        = map(list(string))
  description = "The iam user groups variables"

IAM Groups Resource

resource "aws_iam_group" "data_engineers_team" {
  for_each = var.iam_user_groups
  name     = "${local.csi}-${each.key}"
  path     = "/"


iam_user_groups = {
  all-users = ["[email protected]",],
  admin-team = ["[email protected]",],
  operational-team = [ ],

output "map_group_arn" {
  value = { for k, v in aws_iam_group.data_engineers_team : k => v.group_arn }

This is my IAM Policy :

    condition {
      test     = "StringNotEquals"
      variable = "aws:PrincipalArn"
      values   = ["arn:aws:iam::${var.aws_account_id}:group/admin-team"]

I only want the arn of admin-team.At the moment I have this hardcoded which is not best practice.

I have tried to obtain just the admin-team arn but the solution I currently have loops through all iam-user groups.


  • Based on the data in the question, the group ARN should be easy to fetch from the attributes exported by the IAM group resource:

    condition {
      test     = "StringNotEquals"
      variable = "aws:PrincipalArn"
      values   = [aws_iam_group.data_engineers_team["admin-team"].arn]