In clickhouse, there is a database called system where logs are stored.
My problem is that after installing clickhouse, the volume of the system database has increased a day, and I sent a photo of it, and if I only use it for 30 days, I have to allocate nearly 30 gigs of space on the server just for the system database, which costs It will be high.
Especially the two tables trace_log
and part_log
take a lot of space
I have already seen the link below and did everything and it didn't work (link).
The following command does not work to prevent system database logs:
set log_queries = 0;
And also the following code does not work for me:
cat /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/log_queries.xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
I even went to this path sudo nano /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml
and I entered the following values, but it didn't work:
In addition, I restarted clickhouse every time to apply the changes
It is interesting here that when I do not insert any data into my database in my codes, the system database increases in size for no reason.
I searched a lot and did a lot of tests, but I didn't get any results. Thank you for your guidance
You can disable all / any of them
Do not create log tables at all (a restart is needed for these changes to take effect).
$ cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/z_log_disable.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<asynchronous_metric_log remove="1"/>
<metric_log remove="1"/>
<query_thread_log remove="1" />
<query_log remove="1" />
<query_views_log remove="1" />
<part_log remove="1"/>
<session_log remove="1"/>
<text_log remove="1" />
<trace_log remove="1"/>
<crash_log remove="1"/>
<opentelemetry_span_log remove="1"/>
<zookeeper_log remove="1"/>
And you need to drop existing tables
drop table system.trace_log;